Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Twelve Days of Christmas Part Six by Terri Reed

My darling Daniel,
I awoke this morning to the honk of the Canada Geese. I looked out the bedroom window to see the distinctive V formation of the birds migrating. Such a cold, bleak sky. The birds are leaving late this year. I suspect because everyone feeds them. Snow has already fallen, covering the ground in a blanket of white. I wonder if the geese I saw this morning were the same six geese we saw laying in their nest by the lake shore last spring. Do you member how beautiful and majestic they looked with their long black necks and white cheeks? And the babies! Oh, how cute they were. Just like I know our little Seth will be. He’ll look just like you, darling. I imagine him with your smiling blue eyes and strong jaw. I wonder if he’ll have your walnut brown hair or if we’ll have a red head like me. I’m sure anxious to meet this little guy. Every night I read to him before going to sleep. Last night we read from the Psalms. God’s word brings me comfort. I cling to His promises as I wait for the day you’ll return to me and our son. Oh my, Seth, just kicked. I think we have a soccer player in the making. Must be time for breakfast. Since the doctor wants me to gain a little more weight, I think I’ll make your favorite pancakes. I hope I can get the ingredients right. You always make them so perfectly. I hope you’re eating well there. I worry even though I know I shouldn’t. God’s watching over you. Hard to believe it will be Christmas eve in two days. I’ll be having dinner with your parents. I’m hoping you’ll call like you did for Thanksgiving. I so need to hear your voice. Please take care and know that you are loved and missed.
Forever yours,


  1. This was fun. I'm eagerly waiting to see how the days play out.

  2. Oh, I think this is our best serial yet! I've cried with each post. I'm going to do a print out of the whole thing to send to my friend who has the three sons in the military. Great job, ladies.

  3. Lovely story and fun to see what each of you will write!

  4. I'm a day late, but nice post, Terri!


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