Monday, August 3, 2009

Just Saying Hello!

Hello everyone! Debra Clopton here poking her head out of deadline, deadline and more deadline crunch to say I hope this is going to be a blessed August for everyone. This has been a hard couple of months for me but I feel so blessed to have this opportunity to write my books, deadlines are hard but wonderful :) This post is basically to say hi since I'm still swamped and just can't take my head out of the Mule Hollow Book I'm creating. God has been good and readers have been wonderful to buy my books. I pray with each one that I meet the expectation for both the readers and for what God is expecting of the books. So I hope you'll forgive me once more for this short blog but I have to get back to it! If any of you haven't read my Mule Hollow series I hope you'll give it a read and I hope they make you smile. Until next time live, laugh and love God with all your hearts.
Debra Clopton


  1. Thanks for the update Debra. It was great to hear from you, even if it was short and sweet!

  2. I love Lonestar Cinderella, due to the treasure hunt I just couldn't put it down. I just love Esther Mae, Adelle and Norma Sue. Is the vet Susan Worth going have her story told in one of the upcoming books?
    Thanks for the Mule Hollow Matchmakers Series it been great reading it :)


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