Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Building an Ark!


I'm almost ready to start collecting gopher wood and building an ark right here in Arkansas.

This is the view from my screened porch. No, I do not have a river next to my house, although I am thankful that we live on a hill.

I was happily typing away on a new book on Tuesday when I heard thunder. In minutes it was pouring - and neighbors less than 3 miles away didn't get a drop of rain.

As soon as it was over I stepped outside the screened portion and took this picture. Wow!
Earlier that day I had planted a hydrangea that I had started from a cutting. Poor little plant. I found it with no potting soil around it, lying in the yard. I did replant but not in the same place where it had been. It turned out that that was in the middle of one of these surprise "rivers."

Makes me wonder how strong Noah's faith had to be to have built that ark when all his neighbors and friends told him he was crazy? (Gen. 6 &7) I have enough trouble staying faithful when I'm acting relatively normal and there was Noah, behaving as if he thought the end of the world was near while everybody else laughed at him. That's something to ponder, isn't it? It sure is for me.

Sometimes, we who write Christian fiction come under attack from those who don't like what we do. It happens. And it is my fervent prayer that as these people look back they will be able to see that we, too, stood firm.



  1. I appreciate what you all do! It helps several people when they are down in there faith or when they aren't sure if they believe. It also helps people make there faith stronger. Thank You.

  2. I completely agree with Jessiecue! Thank you soooooooo much! I know, personaly, the books and blogs have helped me through some tough time, so thank you once again.

    Wow about your yard! Even up here in Vermont we're getting crazy rainy weather : )


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