Wow! Can't believe summer is almost over! This summer was a bit more fun-filled for our family simply because I was on crutches and unable to drive all last summer following a car accident.
I was thinking back to that time and laughing about how being on those crutches made everything take ten times as long. Ever tried hopping with a pan of water from the sink to the stove? Yeah, even every day stuff like cooking for the family became a monumental task.
Having been temporarily disabled helped me in a lot of ways though. It made me more aware of what those who are permanantly disabled have to contend with. Ever tried to push a wheelchair through aisles of a department store? Think most of them are made to ease the way of those with disabilities? Nope. Trust me, NOT SHOPPING for three whole months was a chore in an of itself. LOL!
So if you see a disabled person struggling with a door or to get through an aisle, do offer assistance. When your entire life consists of having to depend mostly on others, it becomes REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hard to ask.
I hope we can all be perceptive enough to pick up on the needs of those around us without them having to ask. I'm trying to be better at it too.
I hope you have had a wonderful summer and are gearing up for a great next season. If you've ever been down and out or on crutches, a walker or in a cast or wheelchair, I'd love to hear your story in the comment section. What did you find the most challenging chore when you were differently-abled?
Hugs all!
Cheryl Wyatt
Thursday, August 13, 2009
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ReplyDeleteI haven't been on crutches recently but my disability is one that no one likes to talk about, I have Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colotis. As I read your post I was thinking of all the comments there would be, I can say I wasn't shocked to see nothing there. You see noone wants to talk about a disability such as mine and it took alot of counseling for me to understand that God never gives you more than you could handle.
I was in denial for many years and would not dare tell anyone I had Crohn's - I really didn't believe I had it but now that I have but now if I say oh I have Crohn's I was really suprised of the comments like oh, my aunt has that or a friend.
I have always tried to be helpful to those that have disabilities, my Dad was disabled at a young age but we do need to keep in mind that some disabilites can't be seen, if you saw me you wouldn't think I had an illness at all and as bad as I would love to stay in bed somedays, I thank the good Lord that he has given me another day!! Just felt like sharing! Thank you Cheryl you always make me think! Milissa
Cheryl -- It's been a long time (decades) since I was on crutches, but I do the wheelchair and figuring out for a friend of mine who is disabled with lupus and other things so I know how very challenging it can be to get from A to B. This country has a ways to go, but we have come long strides from where we were.
ReplyDeleteMilissa - Your story touched me. My sister has a friend with Crohn's disease so, you're right, it affects a lot of people. Bless you for sharing.
Hi Cheryl,
ReplyDeleteAs you may remeber I was disabled in a car accident in 2002. It took 6 months just for me to return to my own home. I started out in the wheelchair. Simple things that you take for granted, such as reaching for the remote on the other end of the couch, became a chore. Not to mention needing help with just about everything.
I remember just wanting to get out and forget about how fustrating everything was. It was winter time but my husband didn't care. He pushed and pulled that chair through the snow and ice to get me in and out of a movie theater. Sidewalks are usually clear but parking lots are a slushy mess. We finally get in the movie theater and I'm told I can't bring my water in. Sheesh, both legs in casts, wheelchair, in pain from the entire process of moving, and they wanted us to stand in another line to get a water? I was not happy. Then there was no place safe to park my wheelchair and sit to watch the movie. I had to sit either directly on top of the screen or all the way in the back, where the light from the hallway. I couldn't transfer to one of their seats because my legs still needed to be constantly elevated. Besides all thet the worst part of the night was the looks from the other people. They had that look on their faces like "Why in the world would you go to the movies?" Ummm, maybe because the special effects are better and I don't want to wait to see the movie for 4-6 more months! So, if you ever see a disabled person who is holding up the line, or making it hard to get by their wheelchair, please take a moment and realise they're not there just to irratate you. They may be just as irratated as you are!
I have had to ride in those chairs and let me tell you they are terrible, I had a total knee replacement and could not get around for a long time, used a walker in the house. With my bad back I still use the chair once in a while, but it is not fun. The chairs are slow and you would think the poeple would look out for you but nooooo, they will just walk all over you and run their buggies into you and so on. I am like you I had rather stay home than deal with that, My husband of 48 years does a lot of shopping for me and at Christiams my daugher does it. She has a family but takes the time to shop for me also. May God bless all
I've been fortunate in my life so far and have never had to be on crutches or in a wheel chair for a long period of time but I have worked with teens who are and have even been on trips with those who have been. The high school where I taught for many years use to take sophomores on bus trips to Washington, DC. It was a two week trip during spring break and since I live on the Texas Gulf Coast it meant spending some nights on the bus traveling. On one of those trips I helped with a teen in a wheel chair. And let me tell you I learned an awful lot about the problems one has when permanently in a wheelchair. It astounded me (although maybe it shouldn't have)the was so called normal people reacted when they had to wait for or deal with a person in a wheelchair. I can guarantee I have never ignored or refused to help a disabled person since that time which was around 30 years ago.
ReplyDeleteI had three surgeries on my back in 2007. The initial surgery and then two more for dural tears (the ones that causes extreme headaches that disappear when you lay down.) I had to totally depend on my husband and friends to cook for us. Had to use a walker after each surgery. The surgeries helped me be able to walk again, but I have what they call "failed back syndrome" so am still disabled and not able to do a lot of my normal daily chores. I can still cook. I'm thankful to be walking and have to admit frustrated with the back issues. I did crutches before my surgeries, but my fibromyalgia hindered using them. It's slowed me down considerably. But I use my time to read and blog.
ReplyDeleteI've also learned that my issue isn't as bad as I see others have. Perspective.
ReplyDeleteI think that you are well aware of my disabilities! Lol...
I am 17, but I have rheumatoid arthritis. The arthritis has affected my eyes so I have extremely dry and sensitive eyes. Arthritis is something that I have to deal with daily. I take medication for it, I have special accomadations at school and such, and I have limitations. I am a statistic is the way I like to put it. I am 1 in 1 million kids who get this disease. But I know I have it and am aware of my limits. I do the best I can with what I am dealing with.
I also have carpal tunnel, which is getting dealt with now.
Ladies, thank you for taking time to share your experience. Each story touched my heart in different ways. I'm sure it touched some of our blog readers too. Thank you for being transparent.
ReplyDeletePraying all is well with each of you now.