Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Tribute to Blake Snyder

Last summer at the RWA national conference in San Fransisco, I went to a workshop presented by Blake Snyder, author of Save The Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need and Save The Cat! Goes to the Movies. Blake also wrote many scripts for TV & film and proposals that were made into movies.
At the workshop, I found Blake to be a generous and articulate man with relevant information that I wanted to use for my own writing. I bought both of his books and have just started the first one with highlighter in hand. His easy to read writing style has me turning the pages. I had hoped to one day attend another of Blake's seminars but unfortunately, on August 4th 2009, Blake unexpectedly passed away.
You can learn more about Blake and his screenwriting tips on his website.



  1. Oh no, I can't believe it. Save the Cat is one of my favorite writing craft books. It taught me so much about story development.

    Sad news indeed.

  2. I'm surprised too. I hadn't heard. Thanks for letting us know, Terri.

  3. What a loss. I loved his workshop at National. It's one of my favorties ever. And he was just so nice! What a sad loss.


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