Thursday, August 20, 2009

Quotes that Touch Us

Missy Tippens here.

I recently found a slip of paper that had a wonderful quote on it. I don’t even remember where I got it but wanted to share it with you today. However, the paper I had said it was anonymous. Well, I think most of the time people put that because they just don’t know where quotes come from, so I did some research. (Thank goodness for the Internet!) It’s apparently a quote from Mother Teresa. I’m glad I searched for the real author! It makes it that much more meaningful when I read it. I hope it touches you like it touches me each time I read it.

Love has a hem to her garment that reaches to the very dust. It sweeps the stains from the streets and lanes, and because it can, it must.

Mother Teresa: Contemplative in the Heart of the World, 1986, Angela Devananda, editor

This was especially meaningful for me since my son just returned from a two-week mission trip in Kenya at the Tumaini Children’s Home. They worked in the gardens, helped with the children (AIDS orphans) and held medical clinics. They also travelled to three schools to give de-worming medicine. Although he mainly helped entertain the children who were waiting, he said the doctor and helpers treated a lot of patients, some who had never seen a doctor before.

I think the love of this mission team is the love Mother Teresa was talking about, because it’s so much a part of who she was. God’s love compelling people to help. God’s love reaching out to touch a hurting world.


  1. Missy, thanks for a lovely reminder that true love SERVES.

  2. I am such a quote person. I love yours.

    Here's a funny Mother Theresa quote:

    I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.

  3. Beautiful quote, Missy. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks for sharing those beautiful words. And I'm so happy your son not only helped but also came home safely.


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