Thursday, August 6, 2009

Summer's end

Lenora's post got me thinking about how fast this summer has flown. I always think I'll get so much done during these months. I wanted to take a couple of trips with my grand kids. I wanted to go fishing, I wanted to travel to Washington D.C. and party my head off.

Oh, wait. I did go to Washington D. C. and I did take a trip with my grand kids. To Tulsa. They were more fun on the three hour drive down there than they were on the four hour back. Note to self. Shorter trips with the grand kids.

I didn't get any fishing done, but I got another book written. That's always a good thing.

Summers just used to last longer.

Was that my imagination? I don't think so. Summers used to be long, lazy, hot days with softball games and ice cream social. It was licking sticky popsicles on grandma's front steps. It was the county fair and catching tadpoles.

Now it's hard to find time to water the lawn let alone go to the fair. I miss those days. Don't you? What are some of your summertime memories? New or old. Good or bad.

I hope my grand kids look back on this summer as a special one some day. That is if I don't leave them in the salt mime we are touring next weekend as our last little day trip. Did I argue with my brothers that much? Did we drive our folks crazy in the car?
Okay, yes we did.

Are we there yet? Are we there yet?


  1. LOL, Pat! It reminds me of a toy watch the kids got at Burger King a few years ago. It was a recording of, "Are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet?"

    Drove me crazy! LOL

    Sounds like you've had a wonderful summer!

  2. Hi Missy,
    Yes, I've have had a good summer and I'm sorry to see it end. I won't miss the heat, though.
    I like to joke about my grand kids but I wouldn't trade them for the world. Josh, who is 15, is my museum buddy. We've visited more museum's than I can count. Shantel, who is 8, is more the sidewalk chalk kind of girl.

  3. I love the baby looking at the scrapbook, he (she) is so precious
    I used to do a lot of scrapbooking but got so tired of it now I just stick my photos into a page in the book and leave them,


  4. Summers are definitely shorter it's not your imagination! : ) I am recovering from my first of two carpal tunnel surgery on Thursday and wish I had more time! There was so much more that I wanted to do this summer. And though we have 2 1/2 weeks left, I'm tied up!


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