Friday, August 23, 2013

Ask Elnora--About Saying Goodbye? Lenora Worth

Never can say goodbye. Remember that song by the Jackson Five? Elnora can't say goodbye either but I can say so long and farewell ... for now. I'm taking a break from blogging every Friday but I will still be on the Craftie Ladies schedule so I'll pop up when you least expect me! Like a bad penny or a dandelion that can't wait for spring.

We've had some memorable discussions here, mostly about books and shoes, of course! We've talked about plotting and bread pudding, chocolate and characters, settings and sedatives, suspense and suspenders (okay, maybe not suspenders but that just sounded so right.) We've talked about POV and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. We've covered a lot of issues with a lot of tissues!

You've all been on many of my adventures with me and you all know way too much about Big Daddy!!! And I've learned a lot about our precious readers from all over the world. I met  my dear friend Olufisayo here and we've been pen pals for years now! She's working hard on her own publishing dreams and I'm very proud of that. I've talked to Aussie Jennie here and learned about her beautiful Australia! So many good times, but we never can say goodbye.

I've never been the kind of blogger who can write a term paper each week. I write what I feel and I write to make people laugh and ponder and wonder. And discuss and dissect and yes, digress. Sometimes digressing is the only expressing we can make! So I've had fun and now I've got to run.

But I'll be around (probably at  either the seashore or the shoe store!)


  1. Hey Lenora its not goodbye but see you later. I have enjoyed your posts also. been a bit quite of late partly due to tiredness, wrist issues and not being online as much. Often read dont post.
    (someone should be in bed but fell asleep on the couch and am now awake).

  2. Lenora, it's been fun! But I certainly understand taking a break from weekly posting.

    We'll see you around on Mondays. And in the comments, of course. :)

  3. Thanks, both of you! Jennie, hope you feel better soon.
    Missy, you have been such a help to me. You amaze me!
    I'm blessed to be part of this group!

  4. “Say it isn’t so, Joe…I mean Elnora.”

    I feel like my favorite soup will be missing its secret ingredient. Who with step forward to be the new ‘dual personality’ surprise giver?

    You know who you are so if the shoe fits, you must wear it. Missy could become Misty or even Miss Misty.

    Just love that picture. I’ll be at a beach just like that one, if not actually that one, very shortly.

    Good luck and enjoy all the times you can.


  5. Thank you, Vince. Or maybe I should call you Vinnie? (ha, ha.) I'm sure we'll still have fun on Fridays. I have suggested that our craftie ladies list One Good Thing each Friday that has happened to them during the week. And our posters can certainly chime right in. More on that later!

  6. Elnora will remain in our hearts
    so afterwhile crocodile
    never will we say goodbye
    just for a while we will part...

    Paula O

  7. I second, Jenny -not goodbye- just more unpredictable fun :)

  8. Thank you, Paula O. You are so kind!

    Yes, Eva Maria. Always!!!

  9. Lenora,
    You are most awesome! Every time I go somewhere and see a shoe tape dispenser or a Tshirt with shoes on it, I think of you. And, yes, you will be back, both on the contemporary and suspense side. Are you writing an historical yet? Inquiring minds want to know.

  10. Lenora,
    You are most awesome! Every time I go somewhere and see a shoe tape dispenser or a Tshirt with shoes on it, I think of you. And, yes, you will be back, both on the contemporary and suspense side. Are you writing an historical yet? Inquiring minds want to know.

  11. Pamela, just saw your post. I'd love to write a big historical. That is one of my goals. One day maybe. These days, we do have lots of options to keep us busy! Thanks to you for your amazing self, too!


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