Thursday, August 29, 2013

CAROL Finalist: Dana Mentink

So, Dana, what first made you pick up your pen (keyboard) and write a romance? 
We need more love in the world, don't you think? My first book was actually about an older woman who had lost her husband. It's a nutty little mystery with an off beat romance. It just sort of evolved that way somehow. I think every great story has an element of love in it. 
What led you to Harlequin's Love Inspired? 
Suspense was a good fit for me since it shares characteristics with mystery. I pitched a few times and was rejected until I got a letter asking me to rewrite which I did. That was dozens of books ago, so I guess it's still a good fit! 
How many books have your published? 
Hmmm, maybe 14 or 15 or so? There's a three in one chucked in there so I'm not sure if that counts. 
How many times have you entered the CAROL? 
Many times, but I've only finaled once before with my first book, Killer Cargo. 
What made this book stand out?
 It's a series about treasure hunters pursuing a priceless painting. Lots of excitement and danger, plenty of great moments in dark tunnels and such for a romance to develop. A fun roller coaster ride, but with some deeper themes such as mental illness.
What is your writing day like? 
I give the rooster a run for his money. Bang away on those keys well before dawn, is my aim! Then it's "get the bear cubs off to school time" followed by a few more hours of writing before they return. Two days a week I'm teaching third grade so I'm hanging out with young writers. Nothing more exciting than mentoring a gaggle of kids in writing. They are the greatest because they're not afraid to try new techniques. 
What can we expect to see next? 
I'm just finishing up a natural disaster series entitled Stormswept. Earthquakes, hurricanes and floods. Oh my!


  1. Dana, your story sounds really exciting!

    So fun to teach kids to write. I usually try to attend the career fair for our middle school. I love encouraging them to write.

  2. Congrats, Dana, on your final! Looking forward to seeing you at ACFW!


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