Monday, August 5, 2013

Fun Times with the Craftie Ladies at RWA 2013

HI Everyone!!! Debra Clopton here and I'm sharing photos of me and all the Craftie Ladies at RWA 2013 in Atlanta. We writers spend endless hours alone typing away with our imaginary friends and so it is always wonderful to go to conference and see our fellow writer friends. Even if its in small segments as we all scurry around meeting our appointments and keeping up with our individual schedules. I've been working non stop on several deadlines and so though I was working some while I was at conference it was a real blessing to replenish my well with good friends and laughter! You'll see me smiling a lot and using exclamation marks lol. Above is me and Debbie Kaufman we are at the Rita Award Ceremony. We are sitting in between our husbands and it was nice to hang out together.
Here I am after the Rita Awards with Allie Pleiter, Me, Lenora Worth, Debby Giusti, and Janet Dean we're all smiling. Don't they all look fantastic!
  We had to get our picture with Rita Nominee Missy Tippens--who was all smiles even though she didn't bring home the beautiful golden lady she's still looking like a gorgeous winner--which to be nominated makes her and all the nominees winners to me!
 And what great fun it was to hang out with Lisa Mondello who is no longer posting with us but who will always be a Craftie Lady!
And here I am with Winnie Griggs, loved seeing Winnie!
I saw many other Craftie Ladies but didn't get pictures so I hope you've enjoyed the ones I did end up with. If you'd like to see more of the Literacy Booksigning please hop over to my blog here is the link to the post While you're there sign up for my monthly contest and win a book! Also check out my latest book A Bride for All Seasons (a novella collection with Margaret Brownley, Mary Connealy and Robin Lee Hatcher) or pre-order my ebook novella An Ever After Summer


  1. Thanks for sharing, Debra! I haven't made it to a conference yet but hearing all of you talk about what a wonderful experience it was makes me wanna go! I'm thinking hard about attending next year. :)

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I didn't get to go either and just wanted pictures and tidbits. It looks like you had a great time. Everyone is smiling It's great to be a romance author.

  3. Pamela,
    I have just been so swamped but am getting more pictures up today or tomorrow on my blog so stay tuned :)

  4. I would love to go to a conference someday, Debra! Would be so fun to meet all of you. Looks like you all had a great time!

  5. Hi Debra, it was so fun to see the photos and hear about RWA! Thanks for sharing,

  6. Thank you for the photos, Debra! In that big, big room, I never did find most of the Craftie Ladies. It's great to see everyone looking so lovely! Congratulations again to Missy on the Rita nomination!

  7. Thanks for sharing, Debbie! I had such a fun conference.


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