Friday, August 16, 2013

Ask Elnora--About ACFW??? Lenora Worth

Hello, my lovely friends. September is a good month. My daughter was born in September and fall comes in September. It kind of slinks in on those last rays of summer sun and plays around, a leaf falling here, a burst of crisp clean air there. You feel a hint of change in the air.  September is the beginning of the end of the year, the winding down of all the rebirth and growth we get to enjoy and then the world goes quiet and turns into brilliant colors that allow the good earth and the natural world to take a rest and go dormant. But there is another reason I love September and that is the American Christian Fiction Writers Annual Conference!

This year, it will be held September 13 -- 15 in Indianapolis, Indiana. It is the best conference for anyone who is interested in writing. Yes, I know it's technically a conference for Christian writers but good writing is good writing and you can learn how to be a good writer at this conference. But it's very different from some big conferences. At ACFW, we begin each day with a worship service and praise singing and lots of prayers. It's a loving, open, giving place where people's lives really do change. There are so many people in this world who have stories to tell and they hurt to put their words to paper. This is the place for such people.

I know that not everyone who attends will go home and write a book. For some, it will be a lifetime struggle and for others, it will be a dream realized. Writing is a hard business. We start with a blank page and we try to fill it and hundreds of pages with words that are woven together into a story. It's not an easy task, no matter what anyone has told us. But at ACFW, we use The Word to help us figure out our words. It's a good place to start.

If you haven't been to ACFW, if you haven't heard of ACFW, if you have a story in your heart and a dream in your head, then today is your lucky day. Elnora is encouraging you to check out this conference. If not this year, work toward going next year. (The hotel fills up and I'm telling you this rather late, but I just want everyone to be aware.) If you can't go to the conference, try joining ACFW and work you way from there. September is about letting go but it's also about blossoming into something wonderful come spring. It's Elnora's job to spread hope to those out there who might not be sure. Be sure and be assured, ACFW means business--the Lord's business and the writing business. Oh, and you can wear fabulous shoes, too, of course :)))


  1. I so wish I could go. September is back to school and a really hard time to take off work.
    Please take lots of notes.

  2. I'll be there! I'm thrilled to be able to attend this year.

  3. Missy, I'm so glad you'll be there!
    Pam, we will miss you and yes, we'll take notes.

    I always have a wonderful time at ACFW!

  4. I'm coming for the first time. So excited! :)

  5. That's great. I'll look for you!

  6. Loved your post, Elnora! ;)
    I am SO excited and blessed to be attending again this year--not only have I learned so much from ACFW conferences, but I've made SO many wonderful friends.
    For me personally, the praise and worship is always such a meaningful part of this conference experience too (including the Prayer Room, where I'm volunteering again--such a blessing!).
    Okay, now you've gotten me even more excited about September (which happens to also be the birthday month for 2 of my kiddos, and moi!). Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  7. Glad you will be there, Patti Jo. It will be good to see you again!


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